
Take It Easy With Neon’s Natural Healing Programs

Take It Easy With Neon’s Natural Healing Programs

Here at Neon, we work hard to stay at the top of the college entertainment industry.  We’ve always strived to bring you the most fun and unique campus events around so that you can make your college experience something truly special.  Having said that, we also provide a number of cool college events that go a step beyond pure entertainment. Many people would agree that college is one of the most exciting times of their … Continued

College Relaxation Programs

For many, college life can be a tangled web of balancing responsibilities and having a good time. Between managing classes, jobs, exams and your social life on top of that, it’s very natural for students to feel stressed out. With the fall semester coming to a close, stress levels can be especially high as students prepare for final exams. It is vitally important during these next few weeks that students make time for things other … Continued

Top 3 Reasons Why To Book a Relaxation Program for Your Campus

Regardless of where you go to school, what your major is, how many activities you participate in, college life is stressful! Constantly feeding on new information, reading, studying for exams, writing papers, college is a full time job. It’s not for everyone, but you know, and should be proud of, how much work goes into getting that precious degree. All the hard work and dedication can leave you and your fellow students running ragged. One … Continued