From Athlete to Artist  | Spoken Word Artist Lacey Roop Neon Spotlight #7

From Athlete to Artist  | Spoken Word Artist Lacey Roop Neon Spotlight #7

For a lot of writers, they have had a passion for storytelling for as long as they can remember. But, for Lacey Roop, a  happy coincidence as a young adult lit a curiosity in her that has led her on a unique journey. We sat down with this Neon Entertainment spoken word artist to chat about life, art, and her latest projects. You can listen to our podcast interview in entirety on YouTube or Soundcloud! Here’s a little insight to what Lacey had to say.

“There’s Sweat in My Blood”

Growing up in the south, Lacey Roop wasn’t too connected to what became her life’s work. She grew up in Mississippi, where she played basketball, until coming to Texas for college. After deciding she did not want to pursue college athletics, Lacey focused on her studies as an international business major. It was not until she came across “a mediocre open mic night” during a study session in a coffee shop that her interest in writing came about.

“I wondered if I had it in me to write something”. After gaining some courage to share her work, Lacey has had much success in her national tours, at both colleges and other venues.

Voice of the Audience

Much of Lacey’s spoken word deals with dilemmas we all face. But she is not out here to tell her audience what they can or cannot do. She tries to “take her audience on a journey, not leaving them at a destination”. Her message is one of positive ethical concern and respect for her environment, both human and natural.

“It’s the Democratization of Communication”

Most people run scared when you mention any kind of poetry. There are a lot of perceptions about poetry that Lacey is trying to break through. She wants to bring people in with her way of telling stories; breaking down any preconceived notions they may have.

Listen to the full interview to hear Lacey talk about her travels, life in Austin, and the changing  global environment. She brings up great points about the current condition of our world, as well and some social commentary that is truly thought provoking.

Are you looking to spark a conversation on your campus about diversity with a socially conscious speaker?  Neon Entertainment provides spoken word poets, and other speakers that touch on LBGTQA and other diversity components. Stay tuned to our blog for more Neon Spotlight podcast interviews with our musicians, comedians, hypnotists and more!

Interested in bringing Spoken Word artist, Lacey Roop to your campus? Check out Lacey’s page on our website to inquire!


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