
4 Things You Can Do To Get Ready for NACA Virtual 2020

4 Things You Can Do To Get Ready for NACA Virtual 2020

This semester isn’t what anyone expected, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make the most of it! If you’re a student director, or part of your university’s student activities department, you might be wondering how the heck you’re going to bring entertainment to your campus this year. Understanding that the pandemic era has put the majority of live entertainment at a standstill, we’ve done our best to provide solutions and inspiration for student directors all over the country. One great part of being a student activities director is being able to be a part of NACA. Though this year won’t be what we are used to in person, there are 2 virtual editions of the conference that you can still take advantage of! 

We aim to be a resource for anyone who needs help planning events in the remote era. With agents all over the country, we provide solutions to help get the most out of your annual activities budget. You can talk to an agent today by just reaching out via our contact form for more info!

We asked our agents how they felt about NACA going full on virtual, and wanted to help you prepare. We’ve been to just about every NACA conference the last few years to help provide engaging and inspiring entertainment for college campuses, so here’s what our agents had to offer for you to be ready for NACA virtual 2020!

Be Prepared For Anything

If you haven’t run into a “zoom-pocolypse” yet, you may not think it’s imperative to test your tech out before the live virtual event. Remember to make sure your internet connection and your devices are all prepped and ready to go. Maybe meet with your team ahead of time to ensure you all have proper connection in case someone’s laptop dies!

Meet With Your Committee Beforehand and Throughout the Conference

One part of being prepared is having your whole team on the same page. Have a committee meeting prior to the event to get ideas on what you’re looking for. Understanding exactly how much money you have to work with for budget is important, as virtual events may be more affordable than traditional live events. Also, schedule times during the conference to meet and discuss with your group.  Chances are you aren’t able to meet in person so consider setting up virtual meetings with platforms like groupme or other scheduled video calls. 

You may be able to book 3 events in one night for the price of what could have been 1 live event.

Use a Calendar!

A big part of being a great student activity planner is using your calendar. Not only for making sure you have your proper dates lined up for future virtual events, but so you don’t miss out on a perfect showcase! Set timers on your device or write down everyone you want to see! If you’ve ever been to a music festival, it’s kinda like going from stage to stage, except you don’t need to leave your couch!

Planning Your Visit to the Virtual Marketplace

Unlike our normal conferences where you can peruse the aisles of the Campus Activities Marketplace (CAMP), by simply walking up and down them to your heart’s content, keeping track of which agencies you’ve visited in the Virtual Marketplace may not be as easy to do.  We suggest  reviewing the agency list ahead of the conference and set up meetings to divide and conquer.  Have each person take letters of the alphabet and be in charge of visiting those virtual booths.

Don’t Be Afraid to Connect!

Just because this is a virtual conference, doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the networking aspect of the event! You can find all you need to know by asking the right people. Many of us in the industry have years of experience working with colleges all over, and we may have the answer to that question you really want to ask. There is no such thing as a stupid question in 2020! We’re all working together to provide the best experience for students nationwide. 

If you want to learn more about what Neon Entertainment is providing for NACA Virtual 2020, you can reach out via our contact form to talk to an agent today! It’s a strange time in 2020 with everything moving to a remote/virtual setting, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still connect, engage, and inspire! 

Stay Tuned to the Neon Entertainment blog for vital info for Student Directors, Student Activity planners, or anyone who helps plan events for college entertainment. 

Just finding out about NACA Virtual 2020? Here’s what you could be missing out on- Learn More Here



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