
6 DIY Events to Bring to Your Campus

6 DIY Events to Bring to Your Campus

Looking to host unique and budget-friendly events on your campus? Look no further than Neon Entertainment’s innovative DIY programs. These hands-on activities not only foster creativity but also provide an excellent opportunity for students to connect and have fun. 1. Color Your Own Totes Picture a coloring book merging with a canvas tote bag, and you’ve got Neon Entertainment’s DIY Color Totes. With fabric markers and printed canvas tote bags, students can color within the … Continued

Drop Ship/DIY – The Perfect Way to Relax After a Successful Semester

Hello and welcome back to the Hot Mic Blog by Neon Entertainment! With the semester coming to a close, you could be looking for a different flavor of an event to mark the end of the school year. Last time, we went over some larger-scale events with our roller rink options. Today, let’s shift our focus to some more relaxing, smaller-scale but just as engaging events. Relaxing Drop Ship/DIY Events to End the Semester Plant … Continued