Relaxation Events For Your Students With Final Exams Around the Corner

Relaxation Events For Your Students With Final Exams Around the Corner

Hello and welcome back to the Hot Mic Blog here at Neon Entertainment! With midterm exams coming up and finals just on the horizon now is the perfect time to think about a relaxing event for your students in this high-stress time. Luckily for you, here at NEON, we have the perfect slate of relaxing events for you to choose from! Read on and find out more. Relaxation Event 1: Essential Oils Workshop Our Essential … Continued

Take It Easy With Neon’s Natural Healing Programs

Here at Neon, we work hard to stay at the top of the college entertainment industry.  We’ve always strived to bring you the most fun and unique campus events around so that you can make your college experience something truly special.  Having said that, we also provide a number of cool college events that go a step beyond pure entertainment. Many people would agree that college is one of the most exciting times of their … Continued

Watch Your Semester Grow with these 3 Plant Programs

Plants are more than just something nice to look at. They’re natural air purifiers that improve your overall well-being. The presence of indoor plants can lead to a decrease in anxiety level, raise in productivity, and even lower blood pressure. Neon Entertainment provides 3 awesome plant programs. All of them are DIY (Do-it-yourself); meaning they’re budget friendly and shipped right to your door. Neon delivers everything you need to run a successful event. Lucky Bamboo … Continued

5 Final’s Week Study Tips

Neon Entertainment’s study tips will help you get through your campus or university’s final’s week! Surviving final’s week is tough, but with these five final’s week tips, you”ll be sure to see the light at the end of the tunnel! 1. Take Facebook and Instagram Apps off your phone for the week – I know, I can’t believe I just said that either, BUT eliminating the easy distractions, like time line scrolling that can lead … Continued