
4 Programs that Bring Awareness to Sexual Assault

4 Programs that Bring Awareness to Sexual Assault

13% of all students experience sexual assault with about half of these assaults involving alcohol consumption by the perpetrator, the victim, or both. Communicating the importance of assault awareness and the related alcohol safety to your students in a thought provoking, meaningful and memorable way is key in the effectiveness of the message.

Zero Shades Of Gray | College Sexual Assault Awareness

There’s no doubt that this is a sensitive and difficult topic to speak openly about. The result is that many college students would rather ignore the subject altogether. This is why laws like Title IX make it mandatory for campus administrators to educate students on how to prevent and deal with occurrences of sexual assault.  To meet your Ttle IX requirements, we offer a three separate sexual assault awareness programs or all three can be … Continued

College Health and Wellness Speaker Programs

College life can be stressful for a lot of college students.  Balancing classes, the social scene, and personal well being can really take a toll.  To combat the stress of the upcoming semester, Neon Entertainment is ready to provide a variety of Health and Wellness programs.  These events are designed to educate students on the most important topics of campus life. Whether you want a program dealing with topics of student physical health, mental well … Continued

What to Do | 5 Steps to Hire a Speaker for Your College

Neon Entertainment is here to help you find the perfect professional college speaker for your university. Hiring a professional college speaker for a university can seem like a daunting task — especially if you’re new to the role.  Even if this is not your first time, it may have been a semester or two since you last took a swing at the plate. Or maybe, you are looking for someone new to add a twist … Continued

5 Reasons To Book The Sexual Assault Program ‘Zero Shades of Gray’ On Your Campus

By Kelsey Pyse Inform students on what could be a reality: Sexual assault is a serious matter, especially for college students. Did you know that 1 in 5 women and 1 in 16 men are sexually assaulted during college? Think about it, someone you know could have been sexually assaulted and you have no idea. This is the reality of a college campus. People are unknowing about the risks that can happen to them. Someone … Continued