
Aaron Marcus | Learn from a Pro

Aaron Marcus | Learn from a Pro

People go to college to for a bunch of different reasons.  A lot of young people tend to focus on the social atmosphere, living on their own, and the variety of cool events they now have access to.  When organizing campus event ideas there’s always room for some informative college speakers that give a glimpse into potential career opportunities after college. Neon Entertainment is proud to have Aaron Marcus on our roster of college speakers … Continued

Fun T-Shirt Programs | Freshman Orientation Ideas

While most students enroll in college with the goal of achieving a degree, most of them are also there for the experience and the memories. What better way to create lasting memories than with some of our fun t-shirt programs that will give you a constant reminder every time you open your closet.  Our t-shirt programs are about more than just giving away apparel; they stand out because they’re an activity that can be enjoyed … Continued

5 Tips For Your Spring Fest Concert

Whether we want to believe that spring is here or not the semester will be ending before we know it! Are you preparing for your end of the year “Big Show?” Popular concerts happening now are B.o.B, Walle, DNCE, Logic, Mac Miller, Hoodie Allen, Locash and more! Here are five tips to check off your list that will make for a successful program! Maximize Ticket Sales Sometimes shows don’t sell as quickly as you would … Continued