Mental Health Month – 3 College Events to Help Promote Healthy Habits

Mental Health Month – 3 College Events to Help Promote Healthy Habits

Neon Entertainment has been providing fun events for college students for over 20 years, and 2020 was certainly one of the most unforgettable. We were able to pivot and provide virtual events for colleges all over the country, and as we get back to some semblance of normal, we’ve seen an increase in demand for on campus events. In an effort to provide every possible solution, we will continue to provide both Neon Plus virtual … Continued

4 Fun Novelty Events To Bring To Campus This Valentine’s Day

Can you believe that it’s only a month to Valentine’s Day already!  If you’re a college event planner you know this means it’s time to start booking programs for the holiday.  Providing fun campus activities for students allows them the perfect opportunity to express their feelings toward their friends and significant others.  Lucky for you, Neon Entertainment has some really cool event packages that will help your students form lasting memories. Here are 4 popular … Continued

Create A Unique First Year Experience With Summer and Fall Orientations

Can you believe the spring semester is almost over already?  With only a little more than month to go, it’s time for college event administrators to look ahead to what’s next.  Neon Entertainment wants to help you carry the success of your Spring 2019 event schedule into your upcoming Summer and Fall Orientation Programs. College orientation is a fundamental part of the undergraduate first year experience.  Most incoming students arrive on campus looking to meet … Continued