The Great Escape (Room)

The Great Escape (Room)

When planning a college campus event, it is a tough decision. What kind of events pull a diverse group of students, while keeping them entertained, and help them build connections? Are you looking for a college campus event that makes you think outside of the box? Are you trying to build a team atmosphere in your club or new student organization? Neon’s Escape Rooms are WILDLY fun, completely immersive and difficult!  They are made to … Continued

5 Tips For Your Spring Fest Concert

Whether we want to believe that spring is here or not the semester will be ending before we know it! Are you preparing for your end of the year “Big Show?” Popular concerts happening now are B.o.B, Walle, DNCE, Logic, Mac Miller, Hoodie Allen, Locash and more! Here are five tips to check off your list that will make for a successful program! Maximize Ticket Sales Sometimes shows don’t sell as quickly as you would … Continued