
3 Reasons to Consider an Alcohol Awareness Program for Your High School Students

3 Reasons to Consider an Alcohol Awareness Program for Your High School Students

We’ve been in the business of entertaining and engaging crowds for over 3 decades. With experience working with colleges, schools, and companies, we’ve gained experience and an understanding of what types of events work best for different groups and sizes. Today on the blog we wanted to focus on high school students and an important cause, Alcohol Awareness. Alcohol awareness is something that can be extremely beneficial for students in high school, as the majority … Continued

4 Great National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week Programs

College life is a time for trying new things and socializing, but it can also lead to excessive alcohol consumption. Neon Entertainment offers programs that are changing the way students view alcohol and its effects on their lives. They provide a fresh perspective on alcohol education and empower students to make informed choices during their college years. 1. Hypnotic Intoxication At Keith Karkut’s Hypnotic Intoxication, students engage in a unique alcohol awareness program. Split into … Continued

4 Great Programs for National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week

Entering the 1980’s it became apparent to institutions of higher education that further efforts were to be made to raise the importance of reducing alcohol abuse and to promote responsibility and safe decisions in regards to alcohol consumption. As a result of responding to the necessity for addressing alcohol abuse and impaired driving prevention, an awareness week was established to raise the importance of this subject on college campuses.

How to Cope with Your Mental Health as an LGBTQ College Student

The past few years have been tough for college students, especially with classes going online because of lockdowns. It’s been hard for students to find their communities and cope with the mental health effects of the pandemic. Now that campuses are opening up and students are moving into their dorms, it may be a relief for many, but it can still be a struggle for some.

6 Great Mental Health and Wellness Programs

May is Mental Heath Awareness Month and we would like to share some ideas to help take a breath, relax and stay healthy. Take some time to listen to some calming live music and practice some Yoga with Shanice Green to help improve heart health, get better sleep and gain body strength. Ease some built up stress and boost feelings of relaxation with the benefits of aromatherapy by making your own aromatherapy rollers.

4 Great Team Building Programs

With everything going on in the world lately, when would be a better time to unite and work together then now? Each of our differences can bring unique and beneficial aspects to the table that may otherwise be missing if it was not for the individuals within the team. Build A Better Team with Mike Fritz teaches skills needed for your leaders success.

4 Great Programs for Alcohol Awareness

4 out of 5 college students consume alcohol to some degree. Half of those students consume an excessive amount of alcohol in a short period of time which is defined as binge drinking. Heavy drinking can increase the chances of injury, becoming a victim of sexual assault, developing health issues, performing poorly in classes, engaging in criminal activity and developing Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD).

6 Great Spring Fest Ideas

Spring is finally here and Neon Entertainment is ready to help with your Spring programming needs!  Indoor or outdoor, in-person, virtual or even hybrid, we’ve got you covered!