In Case You Missed It Vol. 16

In Case You Missed It Vol. 16

So many artists have been working hard, creating new content for the past few months. In case you missed it, we’ve decided to share with you our top social media moments this week. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to stay up to date on all the amazing things our artists are up to. Interested in a virtual event with one of our artists? Contact your Neon Agent for more information. Tiphanie Doucet joined us … Continued

What Makes Us Happy: Why Game Shows Can Boost Your Student’s Mood

As part of National Wellness Month, Neon Entertainment is exploring the benefits student programming has on the mental health of students. In our research, we’ve learned just why our Virtual Game Shows have been such a success on campuses everywhere. It’s all biochemistry. Fun activities like game shows release your natural hormones, that impact your mood. Your body releases dopamine, serotonin, endorphins and oxytocin during gameplay. These hormones will naturally make you feel happier, both … Continued

Fun Virtual Programs For High School Events

If you’ve followed us here at Neon Entertainment at all in the past you already know that we’re a premiere provider of all sorts of fun campus events.  Due to the current state of affairs surrounding the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve had to alter our services.  But that hasn’t stopped us from providing the most entertaining events around!  Over the last couple of months we’ve worked hard with many of our top performers and entertainers to … Continued