4 Halloween-Focused Events To Boost Your Spooky, Spectacular Celebration

4 Halloween-Focused Events To Boost Your Spooky, Spectacular Celebration

Hello and welcome back to the Hot Mic Blog here at Neon! We’re sure you’re busy getting everything sorted with all your students coming back to campus. With that influx of students, comes a rush of getting events put together before all the best days and times are booked for Halloween-Focused Events.  Think ahead to your first major event, Halloween, today! Instead of making you scroll and scroll for our Halloween offerings, allow us to … Continued

Get Ready for Pride Month with our Pride-Themed Game Shows!

Hello and welcome back to our Hot Mic Blog by Neon Entertainment! With June around the corner and the Pride Month celebrations that accompany it, getting your planning in order ahead of time is a smart strategy to avoid a hassle. One of the larger parts of planning is choosing an event or experience to have for your students, why not Pride-Themed Game Shows? Get ready to celebrate your favorite LQBTQIA+ celebrities and figures, achievements … Continued