Providing Engagement Through Our DIY Products 

Providing Engagement Through Our DIY Products 

We all have been experiencing more time indoors than we are accustomed to due to 2020 being the year of COVID-19. But, it doesn’t always have to be a bad thing.  By keeping a positive state of mind throughout this crazy year, you can truly enjoy spending time in your house, apartment, or even your dorm room.  And for those of you who are student activities advisors or campus event planners, looking for college event … Continued

5 Campus Novelty Events To Book For Your Springfest Schedule

If you’ve kept up with our blog recently you might recall our recommendations for your annual Spring music festival.  If you’ve already booked your performers but still need more fun campus events to round out your schedule, you’re in luck.  Neon Entertainment offers a variety of awesome novelty events designed specifically for college campuses. If you want a tried and true entertainment package, check out these 5 types of novelty events that your students will … Continued