Laughter is the Prescription for Happiness

Laughter is the Prescription for Happiness

It is said that laughter is, and will always be, the best medicine.  Researchers have even found that students who use humor as a coping mechanism have a higher chance of being in a more positive mindset. In times like we have been experiencing in 2020, finding a coping mechanism is very important for mental health and even physical health. Having a good sense of humor could be considered the prescription of happiness. Being able … Continued

The College Survival Guide… according to two comedians

Preparing for your first year of college is an exciting time, but can be overwhelming. For most incoming freshman, this is their first time living away from home and search for any advice possible. So to make it easier on all those nervous first years (or seasoned college seniors who would like to take a walk down memory lane), two of the funniest guys we know, Michael Dean Ester and Derrick Knopsnyder, came together to … Continued

A Day in the Life…| Neon Entertainment Comedian Troy Walker

Have you ever wondered what life is like on the road for our Neon Entertainers? Troy Walker weighs in on life on tour and talks about something we all love… fast food. By Comedian, Troy Walker There are a few things that distinguish a comedian from your average civilian:  a propensity to be inappropriate, a wardrobe befitting an unemployed Dennis the Menace, and  a terrible diet. The vast majority of comedians eat like a freshman … Continued

The Different Ways I Make Money In Comedy

By Comedian, Ben Rosenfeld   Many people think a comedian only gets paid to perform live comedy into a microphone in front of an audience. But did you know that there’s at least 20 other ways comedians make income? Until you have the name recognition of Bill Burr or Louis CK, making money in comedy, particularly stand up comedy, can be quite the up and down adventure. For most comedians I know, the key to … Continued