
Where to Eat? – Fall Conference Guide 2019

Where to Eat? – Fall Conference Guide 2019

by Lane Shuler Hello! Lane Shuler with I.N.K. here! We are the nation’s premier traveling college poetry duo! We’ve performed at NACA and APCA conferences all over the nation, and when we come to a new town, we ALWAYS try to find the best food we can find. Now, at most conferences, you’ll have some meals that are provided by the conference as a group, and other meals which are “meal on your own” meals. … Continued

Lane Shuler: Travel Tips for Conference Season

Hello! Lane Shuler of the slam poetry duo I.N.K. here. Conference travel season is upon us.  There’s a good chance that you, or someone you work alongside will be traveling across the country to see some amazing acts at an APCA or NACA conference. But, it’s also possible that you, or students that will be traveling with you, may be traveling for the first time. Here are some tips to make your travel as easy … Continued

20 APCA Bucket List Items to Check off at your next APCA Conference

Are you heading to an APCA conference this year? Neon Entertainment is and we came up with a list of 20 things you have to do at your next APCA conference! 1. Attend showcases 2. Participate in the conference kick off 3. Stop by every booth in the Exhibit Hall 4. Have fun at the event 5. Wear your APCA conference t-shirt 6. Meet new student programmer friends 7. Sing along at late night jam … Continued

3 Post NACA/APCA Conference Tips

Business, engagement, and learning doesn’t end at the conference! The benefits of these conferences can be far-reaching with a little follow up.  Here are three important after-conference tips to make the most out of your NACA/APCA experience: Follow Up with Acts Follow up with the acts you booked or had interest in whether it was in block booking or a discussion in the agency’s booth, it’s important to follow up on any discussions after the conference. Did … Continued