
Engaging Prom Event Ideas You Can Bring to Your High School with Neon!

Engaging Prom Event Ideas You Can Bring to Your High School with Neon!

Fun College events are our forte, but did you know we also work with high schools and middle schools to provide unique programming? We often find that when receiving contact from high schools and middle schools, not everyone is positive that we work with clients outside of the college market. In the next few months, we will be providing new insights to help educate folks around the country on how we can help enhance your … Continued

Raging in Silence | Have You Been to a Silent Disco?

The lights. The smiles. The characters. The music. Who doesn’t love a good old fashioned dance party. With the comeuppance of festival culture and edm music rising to astonishing popularity, “going to a show” has transformed into something more than just, going to a show. We aren’t talking about afros and bellbottoms here folks. You may or may not have experienced a silent disco, but once you have, you’ll always remember where you were when … Continued