Q&A with Founder of Sexual Assault Prevention Program Pure Praxis: Kelly Pfleider

Q&A with Founder of Sexual Assault Prevention Program Pure Praxis: Kelly Pfleider

In the arena of sexual assault prevention, the need for innovative approaches is paramount in addressing the persistent challenges of misconduct, harassment, and assault. Amidst the myriad of prevention programs, Kelly Pfleider emerged as a pioneer with her groundbreaking initiative, Pure Praxis. Her journey began with a profound recognition: conventional lecture-based methods lacked the emotional depth required to instigate genuine change. Drawing inspiration from the potency of storytelling, Pfleider harnessed the transformative capacity of theater … Continued

Zero Shades Of Gray | College Sexual Assault Awareness

There’s no doubt that this is a sensitive and difficult topic to speak openly about. The result is that many college students would rather ignore the subject altogether. This is why laws like Title IX make it mandatory for campus administrators to educate students on how to prevent and deal with occurrences of sexual assault.  To meet your Ttle IX requirements, we offer a three separate sexual assault awareness programs or all three can be … Continued