How Student Activities Impacted My Post College Life

How Student Activities Impacted My Post College Life

  By Jose Negron For the past four months, I have had a ton of time to reflect. I’ve thought a lot about the things I’ve experienced in the last four years and how they will affect me in the future. In May, I graduated from California University of Pennsylvania. I spent all four years of my college career as an English major with a concentration in Journalism. I worked for my school paper for … Continued

So You Want to Work in Entertainment 

    By Neon Entertainment Agent, Stephanie Ishman  Since I started working at Neon four years ago, I’ve attended multiple conferences, both regional and national, and spoken with countless students. Besides the questions you’d naturally expect – How much is this event? Is so-and-so available on this date? – there is one question that I am asked on a fairly regular basis. How did you get your job? A lot of students who join their school’s activities … Continued