
Thanksgiving with Chef Egg

Thanksgiving with Chef Egg

What’s your favorite part of Thanksgiving? Football, the parade, sharing the day with family and friends? Whatever your ideal Thanksgiving is, it seems like everyone has one common interest: The Food. If you’re hosting a Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner or even a special Friendsgiving, preparing for the holiday can be a little overwhelming. This year, Chef Egg is sharing with us his beginner’s guides to preparing a Thanksgiving Turkey. Chef Egg is also shared with us … Continued

Finals Week Food for Thought – Spaghetti and Meatballs

By Chef Egg Spaghetti and Meatballs Neon Entertainment’s chef, Chef Egg teaches you how to create the ultimate meal for finals week, spaghetti and meatballs. Today we are going to make homemade spaghetti and meatballs. I am going to teach you how to cook your pasta perfectly so it soaks up flavor from the cooking water and the sauce. I am also going to show you how to make meatballs that will stay moist and … Continued

Homemade Pumpkin Pie Spice

by Chef Egg Pumpkin pie is filled with warm spices that bring the Fall season into full effect. I like to make a batch of pumpkin pie spice to use for all types of recipes from pies, cookies and cakes to adding a couple of dashes to my morning coffee grinds for a dose of light pumpkin flavor. Check out the recipe below and experiment with the warm spices in your spice rack. Now let’s … Continued