In Case You Missed It Vol. 40

In Case You Missed It Vol. 40

So many artists have been working hard, creating new content for the past few months. In case you missed it, we’ve decided to share with you our top social media moments this week. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to stay up to date on all the amazing things our artists are up to. Interested in a virtual event with one of our artists? Contact your Neon Agent for more information. Every week, our musicians share their music with … Continued

Bring a Crowd to your Event with These 6 Creative Ideas

We’ve all been there. You put tons of work into an event and then nobody shows up. Or maybe you’re just looking to revamp your marketing strategy. Either way, it’s always good to take a step back assess your marketing strategy and learn new ways to increase your event attendance. Here are 6 ways to boost your crowd size for the Fall. Word of Mouth Good word of mouth instills trust in your brand. Ask … Continued

3 Marketing Tips for Your Holiday Event

by Neon Entertainment The Holiday break is right around the corner, but all student programmers know that these last 3 weeks are jam packed with planning, office hours, attending Ugly Sweater get togethers and putting on your yearly holiday events for students – all while trying to study for finals and prepare last minute presentations. It’s the end of the semester and you have to penny pitch your programming budget, but you want to make … Continued