
5 Soft Skills To Kick-Start Your Career

5 Soft Skills To Kick-Start Your Career

In today’s blog, we’re talking about soft skills and the important part they have in creating well-rounded, career ready students. Soft skills are character traits. They are the attitudes and behaviors employers look for in an applicant. Involvement in student programming boards and other organizations on campus helps develop these skills. They are just as important as the technical skills we teach students everyday. When it comes to applying for a job, soft skills are … Continued

5 Leadership Programs to Bring to Campus this Fall

Neon Entertainment has a variety of Leadership Programs designed to engage students and encourage team building. We strive to provide participants the necessary skills needed in today’s workplace such as career development, communication skills, and motivation. Here are 5 Leadership Programs that do just that. For a full list of all leadership programs click here.   I’m Engaged Increase your campus’ student involvement campus wide with Mike Fritz’s signature program, I’m Engaged. Mike is a … Continued