
In Case You Missed It Vol. 22

In Case You Missed It Vol. 22

We owe a big thank you to the 800+ colleges and corporations that put on events with us since March. We couldn’t do it without you and we are so grateful to share our programs with you. Our artists have also been working very hard this past year creating new programs in the virtual world. Their hard work and dedication have given Neon Entertainment the ability to entertain people across the United States and abroad. … Continued

Virtual Game Show FAQs | Book a Virtual Game Show Event

Back in March we recognized that on campus events were going to take a major hit. We immediately put forth a great deal of energy to start creating virtual student engagement ideas. Some of our live acts work well in a virtual environment, but some of them don’t. One immediate success story was Adam Ace and our amazing team at EVENTGAMESHOWS.COM. Through a lot of work, technological ingenuity, and team creativity, we were able to … Continued