
Re-Introduce Your Campus With A NEON Scavenger Hunt

Re-Introduce Your Campus With A NEON Scavenger Hunt

Welcome back to the Hot Mic Blog! As a national leading provider of college orientation events, we’ve been helping student event planners for over 2 decades! We have seen how student activities have evolved over the years, including how they have evolved since the pandemic. As we are entering the end of another summer, it’s time to start getting ready for your College Orientation Events! If you are just getting started, don’t worry because we … Continued

4 Tips to Make the Most Out of New Student Orientation

New Student Orientation serves an important role in preparing students for a successful college career and improving student retention. We’ve compiled 4 tips for planning an awesome Orientation Weekend and programs that will accomplish those goals. Educate Students on Campus Resources A major part of orientation is teaching new students about all the resources you have to offer. An awesome way to make this normally tedious task into a fun activity, is to do it … Continued

Watch Your Semester Grow with these 3 Plant Programs

Plants are more than just something nice to look at. They’re natural air purifiers that improve your overall well-being. The presence of indoor plants can lead to a decrease in anxiety level, raise in productivity, and even lower blood pressure. Neon Entertainment provides 3 awesome plant programs. All of them are DIY (Do-it-yourself); meaning they’re budget friendly and shipped right to your door. Neon delivers everything you need to run a successful event. Lucky Bamboo … Continued