Chef Egg’s College Cooking Basics

Chef Egg’s College Cooking Basics






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Chef Egg’s College Cooking Basics: Kitchen Tools

My name is Chef Egg and I travel all over the country teaching college students how to be a success in the kitchen. My goal is to give you basic cooking skills to create healthy and vibrant tasting meals on a budget.

Often times our society does not give college students the credit they deserve. They feature college cuisine as something that is based on gross/cheap/unhealthy Ramen Noodles. I think the opposite!!! From what I see, college students have the skills, resources and outlook to be great cooks.

If you want to start cooking for yourself you will need basic kitchen tools and a stove top range. First, before you roll out to school, check with your parents to see if they have any kitchen tools you can “borrow”. Next get with your roommates and see what they can offer to the kitchen. After you have gathered what you can get for free you can buy new kitchen tools. I like to check out grocery stores, big box stores like Target and Walmart and online – Amazon Prime BABY!!! But, my favorite spot to buy kitchen tools are home goods stores like Marshals, Home Goods and TJ Maxx. If you want to crush it all out in one place, hit up IKEA. They always have a great deal on quality cookware and tools.

You don’t need much to be a great cook, but you will need the following tools.

Top 5 Kitchen Tools

  1. 3-4 quart Pot
  2. 8-10 inch Sautee Pan
  3. Cutting Board – The bigger the better. Made from wood or plastic.
  1. 6-8 inch Chefs Knife
  2. Cooking Tool Set – Spatula, Ladle, Tongs

Once you gather some tools you can start to cook healthy meals for yourself, friends and roommates.

Check out this easy recipe below for homemade chicken fried rice.

Once you tackle your first recipe you can check out my site and start to gain your culinary independence.

Now get cracking! Chef Egg