Northern Plains Region Packages

Northern Plains Region Packages

SAVE UP TO $3425

Package 1: $4275*

Choose one item from each group

Package 2: $4800*

Choose one item from group 1 and two items from group 2

Package 3: $5000*

Choose two items from group 1 and one item from group 2

Package 4: $5775*

Choose one item from group 1, two items from group 2, and one item from group 3

Package 5: $5975*

Choose two items from group 1, one item from group 2, and one item from group 3

*plus local/state entertainment tax if applicable


Group 1

Five Minutes of Fame
Large Casino Night
Massage Chairs
Metal Marvels
Old Time Photos
Photo Bookmarks
Photo Bottle Openers
Photo Car Flags
Photo Cell Phone Cases
Photo Coasters
Photo Dry Erase Boards
Photo Flip Flops
Photo Holiday Ornaments
Photo License Plates
Photo Mouse Pads
Photo Puzzles
Photo Tote Bags
Photo Travel Mugs
Photo Water Bottles
Snow Globes
“Your Slogan Here” T-Shirts


Group 2

Big Chair Photos
Create-a-Critter (100)
Gel Candles/ Scapes
Foam Dance Party
Glow Casino Night
Green Screen Photos
Green Screen Magazine Covers
Green Screen Movie Posters
Lucky Bamboo
Make Your Own Aquarium
Make Your Own Lip Balm
Magnetic Sign Shop
Oxygen Bar
Photo Can Wraps
Photo Dog Tags
Photo Flip Books
Photo Keychains
Photo Magnets
Photo Pens
Reed Diffusers
Sign Shop
Soap Factory


Group 3

Airbrush Tattoos
Creative Names
Drive-In Movie
Military Dog Tags
Sand Art
Sandy Candy
Small Casino Night
Spin Art Frisbees
Wax Hands
Write on Rice
“Your Slogan Here” Bumper Stickers

Add Your Travel

Travel Fees apply to each separate day events take place. For example, book 5 events on 5 separate days* and multiply the travel fee for your state times 5 and add that to the package price. Book 5 events on 4 separate days* multiply the travel fee for your state times 4 and add that to the package price.
*Events booked on consecutive days count only as one travel day.

Package 1: $2525*

Choose one item from each group

Package 2: $3025*

Choose one item from group 1, one item from group 2, and two items from group 3

PLUS! Free Inflatable Double Pop A Shot

Package 3: $4350*

Choose one item from group 1, two items from group 2, and two items from group 3

PLUS! Free Inflatable Double Pop A Shot & Free Popcorn Machine w/100 Servings

Package 4: $ 5175*

Choose two item from Group 1, two items from group 2, and two items from group 3

PLUS! Free Inflatable Double Pop A Shot, Free Popcorn Machine w/100 Servings, & Free Cotton Candy w/ 100 Servings

*plus local/state entertainment tax if applicable


Group 1

Rocky Mountain Climbing Wall
Giant Slide
High Ball
Slam Dunk Basketball
Criss-Cross Bungee Basketball
Bungee Ball
9 Hole Mini Golf
Adrenline Rush
Lava Pit
Human Bowling
Giant Twister

Group 2

Slip n Slide
Laser Tag
Bungee Pillow
Obstacle Course
Sumo Wrestling
Human Foosball
Snow Cones w/ 100 Servings
Spin Art w/ 75 Frisbees

Group 3

Giant Twister
Wii or Kinect
Bungee Football
Wacky Trikes
Gladiator Joust
Bouncy Boxing
Velcro Wall
Bungee Run

Add On Any One Of The Following To Any Package: Mechanical Surf Board: $1125, Mechanical Bull: $1125, Armchair Quarterback: $1125, Armchair Basketball: $1125, Street Signs: $1775, Make Your Own Lip Balm: $1775, Green Screen Photos: $1500, Graffiti Wall: $1775

Add Your Travel*

*Events must all take place on the same day. The prices below are calculated for round trip.

Indiana: $200
Ohio: $300
West Virginia: $700
Michigan: $325
Kentucky: $425
Iowa: $425
North Dakota: $1075
Minnesota: $700
South Dakota: $1075
Nebraska: $925