
Build A Better Team

Build A Better Team

presented by Mike Fritz


A Fully Immersive Team Building Experience

Imagine being able to take a group of student leaders who think differently, come from different backgrounds, have different ideas and empower them to work as a unified team. Whether you lead your SGA, Campus Activities, RA’s, Student Life or any other club or organization on campus you’re only as effective as your team’s ability to work as a unit. All good leaders ask themselves the great question, “How do I build a team that can further our mission?” Becoming a better leader, better person and operating with greater precision will equip you to Build a Better Team (BBT)

What if your students understood how people think, what makes people do the things they do, why people follow and engage with certain leaders and not with others and what creates loyalty in team members? Can you imagine how powerful your student leaders will be when each one learns to place the success of the team ahead of themselves? These are foundational skills that your students will learn and implement when they are part of the BBT experience; whether you are working with new or seasoned leaders.

In the fully immersive BBT experience you’ll learn how to develop, empower and structure your team for maximum effectiveness. When your team members trust each other and are able to communicate clearly even in the midst of difficult situations they are able to accomplish so much more of the mission. It makes event production on campus easier and more fun; it also creates a much safer environment for other students to join your team or to engage further with campus life.

BBT is an interactive program that is unlike most “team-building” sessions available. It connects your student leaders with the most practical information available for being an excellent team member and working together to accomplish a common goal. They will leave this event with specified steps they can apply the very next morning.

Learning Outcomes and Takeaways:

1. Students will be able to list the 2 reasons people do what they do.

2. Students will be able to explain why teams succeed and why they fail.

3. Students will know the rst 3 steps in building an effective team.

4. Students will understand how to handle team con ict in a way that motivates their team rather than destroys it.

5. Students will know how to communicate more clearly in the midst of di cult situations.

More Information

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Mike Fritz

“Mike keeps you engaged…has great content…out of the roof energy and is a wealth of information”

— Sjohonton Fanner, Student Activities Coordinator, Vernon College