Alphabet T-Shirts

Alphabet T-Shirts

orientation activity

The Perfect Ice Breaker and Giveaway for your incoming students!


Bring Human Scrabble to your school! A group of strangers will become fast friends as they try to spell out words as a group. Alphabet T-shirt’s are a great activity, whether it’s just for fun or as a game that’s structure to suit your participants. Give students a list of groups or buildings on campus to compete and educate them about key things you want them to know. Alphabet Tee’s are great for new student orientation, team building activities and other social events!Alphabet Tiles are printed on the front of the t-shirt for the Game and your 2-color logo can be printed on the back of all the t-shirts.

Contract Rider

Send us a message to inquire about or to book Alphabet T-Shirts: