
Health & Wellness Speakers

Health & Wellness Programs

Cooking with Egg
Life Skills & Health & Wellness Program

Two Deep Breaths
Health & Wellness

Hypnotic Intoxication
Alcohol Awareness & Health & Wellness Program

Just One Drink
Alcohol Awareness & Health & Wellness Program

Zero Shades of Gray
Orientation, Health & Wellness, Sexual Assault, & Gender & Social Change Program

Maximize Your Buzz
Alcohol Awareness & Health & Wellness Program

Essential Oils Workshop
Health & Wellness Program

College can often be a stressful time for students. Neon’s Health and Wellness Programs are designed to cater to students physical, mental, and social well being. Teach students the dangers of binge drinking, give students the skills for successful relationships, or mentally prepare them for the challenges they will face. Let Neon bring health, happiness, and positivity into your campus.